Let's start today's blog with the answer to yesterday's semi-obscure picture. Depending on when and where you grew up, you may or may not know the following song. Apparently my sister got it immediately so if you're in your late 20's or so (you're welcome sis) you probably know it.
The song goes like this:
There's a place in France
Where the naked ladies dance
And/With/There's a hole in the wall
Where the men can see it all.
That third line has a little variety.
No matter what the lyrics, it is always sung to the tune played in the video from yesterday's post. So, a big congratulations to anyone who got it from seeing the picture. An even bigger congratulations to anyone who got the even more obscure reference to the Leslie Gore song in the title of today's post. Bravo!
On to today's topic, "Jew don't know me". I'm sure my fellow members of the tribe have all been in this situation. Someone non-Jewish just found out you are Jewish. Their first response is to call you out for not being what in their mind is "Jewish". For example: "You're Jewish? Where's your little hat thingy". Or, "You're Jewish, but you just ate bacon" and my personal favorite, "You're Jewish? Wow, I can't even see the scars from where your horns used to be". I think it goes without saying that there are a lot of people out there with various misconceptions about Jews. I'm gonna lay a few things out for them.
First: Very few Jews wear "that little hat thingy", properly known as a Yarmulke. (pronounced Yahm-a-kah) It's typically the orthodox, or as I prefer to call them, "Super-Jews" that wear it all the time.
Second: Most Jews don't keep kosher. However, there are plenty that have created their own laws of Kashrut. They'll eat pork, but only if it's on the Cobb salad at the country club. They don't eat shellfish, except for the shrimp cocktail on the cruise ship. You get the idea.
Third: Horns? Really? People believe that crap? I blame Borat for this one. Enough said.
Finally: The one thing that all Jews (and really, people from any other religion have in common) feel is that no matter where you lie in the "I just dabble" to "Super-Jew" spectrum, anyone who is more religious than you is "Yeccchhhh, too Jewish" and anyone less religious "has the nerve to call themselves a Jew".
This brings us to today's picture. I was in Walgreen's earlier today checking out the Hanukkah sale items while waiting for my Chinese food from the restaurant next door. I saw this display which was really the inspiration for this post. Although they sort of had the right idea, there is a clear "sore thumb" in this display. It's kind of like a Sesame Street "One of these things is not like the other" Can you find it? (Click on the image for a larger view, there is a hint below if you need it)
Hint: Imagine this were a Christmas item display, would you expect to see Peeps?
Bonus: Upon further inspection, there could really be two items. Extra credit if you can find them both. Answers tomorrow.
Unleavened bread on Hanukkah? Were the employees from North Carolina???
I second Disneymama's comment, but would also like to point out the second item that doesn't belong.
Having sale items over $10 bucks!? Clearly they do not know the target market.
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