Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Night Writer's Blogk...

I don't know why, but I seem to have the most trouble thinking about what to write on Sunday nights. I talked to a couple of my loyal readers tonight and apparently, they are a big fan of my artwork. So I thought tonight would be an illustrated guide to one of my typical Sunday night bloggings. It pretty much goes like this...

The blogging begins:

Can't think of any ideas, maybe get some help?

Ok, no help there.

Well that didn't help...

Still no help there. I should know better by now. What to write, what to write...?

Well, that's what it's gonna be. I feel like I'm using my free spin.

Well there it is, a summarized, illustrated rendition of my Sunday night.

Note: Those of you who have been to our apartment will appreciate that I have perfectly color matched the couch. You'll also notice that the comments from Schnoozle come from my left, which is where she sits at her desk doing countless hours of work while I screw around on this thing.

1 comment:

melissa o said...

Wow - that couch color matching...and the scnooze voice!

I think this is hilarious. MORE ARTWORK PLEASE!